Thursday, December 9, 2010

Nature's Font

This Piece was an assignment for Typography II class, where the students collected organic materials from outside the building and formed the collection into letters. With those letters we were to create a 6 word phrase that summed up our lives. This may not describe some aspect of my life as closely as other students' did for them, but it'll have to do. The kerning of the letters had to be taken into account, and we could use either a lowercase or uppercase font. Overall, the composition works well and the kerning seems even throughout the piece.

Skating Photography

This is my skater-mate, Jack. The photo was taken with the Hipstamatic app on my iPhone 4. This was not for a required class, but it still may be used yet if given the chance. I hope to do a project concerning longboarding and skating if the chance arrises. The technique was easy, keeping in mind the location of the sun and the angle of the white paint on the pavement. Overall I'm satisfied.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

An Early Stage

This Ad was one of my first attempts at using Photoshop, when the Adobe software was still new to me.
The requirements were simple for this assignment: Create a bike ad that was esthetically pleasing and followed principles of design. Though the piece involves radial symmetry with a rectangular photo, I think the ad went well.